eNeural AI-Craft

AI-Craft – your gateway to developing and utilizing AI models effortlessly.
With AI-Craft, you can save precious time and manpower while generating customized AI models tailored to your specific application field.



A technique to label and segment objects supports manual label, fast-label and auto-label. Auto-labeling is 10-200X faster than manual labeling depending on the video complexity


(Model Pruning)

A technique to automatically prune the model to achieve maximum compression ratio with minimum loss of accuracy. It supports user-defined pruning ratio to achieve as high as 15-100x model compression and outperform the SOTA model pruning methods.



A fixed-point model quantization tool can fine-tune AI models to perform as accurately as a floating point model within 1% mAP drop in 8-bit model and supports 4-bit model as well.